Knowing Where It All Starts: Knud Nielsen Design Summit


When Jacob McCall AIFD (Knud Nielsen Co-designer) calls and invites you to be part of the first ever design summit at the Knud Nielsen Co. facilities the answer is always YES! I had absolutely no hesitation to be part of something that was bound to be amazing.

The design summit (pictured) consisted of myself, Andy Hooper AIFD, Jacob McCall AIFD (Knud Nielsen Co-designer), Deborah De La Flor AIFD, and Corey Harbour AIFD.

When we all arrived in Evergreen Alabama we were greeted with the epitome of southern hospitality. The hosts could not have been more gracious. We truly felt like we were part of the family the entire time we were there.

After a lovely lunch and introductions, we were led on a tour of the facilities. I was amazed at how large of an operation it is and how many products they have that I never realized. There is so much history that is part of every item we utilize from Knud Nielsen Co.

The product was endless and my design mind kept racing with ideas. This was going to be a fun adventure!


Design Time!

The stories shared with us about the company were inspiring. This family owned company has been around for decades and still continue to be the leader of dried floral product. Absolutely amazing!

After a day of touring the facilities and learning all about their product is was time to design! They brought us to a room with all of their fabulous product displayed. The instructions were to design and so we did.

The amount of knowledge and experiences I gained from this design summit is incredible. It truly showed me that we all need to learn more about the companies in our industry. Take a moment to understand where our items come from and how history has evolved with them. You will be amazed!

Thank you to the Knud Nielsen family and Jacob for inviting me on this amazing journey!


Making A Statement At The International Floriculture Expo


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