Training Tour With The Elite Bouquet

Larry from The Elite Bouquet called and asked if I would take part in a training tour… of course, I said YES! I have always loved being part of The Elite Flower family and was happy to take part in this educational event. I would be sharing my love of floral design with 120 designers from California. We had 5 classes scheduled in Reno, Elk Grove, Fremont, Sacramento and Napa. Lots of miles driven between each stop. This was going to be fun!

Classroom was set with all the fabulous fresh product from Elite and hardgoods from Oasis. This was going to be a treat for us all.

My passion is to share my love of floral design with anyone who will listen. I enjoy instructing classes and seeing the look on their faces when they learn a new technique or are inspired to create. I am grateful that Elite has the belief the floral education is the way to success. We spent our days discussing design, care and handling, trends, and selling practices.

Once a class ended, Larry and I would load up the car and drive to the next city. He was so great taking me on the scenic routes so I could witness the beauty of nature. It was many miles, but the views, conversation and laughter made the time slip away.

After I told Larry I never been to a baseball game he felt the need to take me to one. It was a learning experience and fun time for me, but Larry had to be exhausted when it was over. Although I still don’t understand the throwing of peanuts onto the floor! LOL


The Elite Bouquet



Not Always Easy, But Always Beautiful: Designing a Bahamas Wedding


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